1860 United States Census, Wisconsin, Kenosha, Paris
- "1860 United States Census, Wisconsin, Kenosha, Paris".
- Type: U.S. Federal Census
- Category: Original
Page: 178
- Dwelling: 1328
- Family: 1171
Line: 27 28 29 30 Name: John Wagner Jane Henry Grutrude Age: 50 55 25 22 Gender: Male Female Male Female Race: Occupation: Farmer Farm Laborer Servant Real Estate Value: 2000 Property Value: 800 POB (Place of Birth): Prussia Prussia Prussia Prussia Newlywed: Attended School: Cannot Read or Write: Blind, etc.: Line: 31 32 33 34 Name: Margret Nicholas Catherine Seucy Age: 20 18 16 13 Gender: Female Male Female Female Race: Occupation: Servant Real Estate Value: Property Value: POB (Place of Birth): Prussia Prussia Prussia Prussia Newlywed: Attended School: Yes Yes Cannot Read or Write: Blind, etc.:
Person | Claim | Detail | Evidence |
Catherine Wagner | Father | John Wagner (1805-1892) [S471] [S484] [S1089] [S2710] [S2867] | dna |
Catherine Wagner | Mother | Elizabeth Heinz (1804-) [S471] [S484] [S1089] [S2693] [S2867] | dna |
Events & Attributes
Person | Claim | Date | Detail | Age | Evidence |
Catherine Wagner | Census (US Federal) | Jun 1, 1860 | Paris, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States [S471] | 22y (Named) | primary |
John Wagner | Census (US Federal) | Jun 1, 1860 | Paris, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States [S471] | 50y (Named) | primary |
Elizabeth Heinz | Census (US Federal) | Jun 1, 1860 | Paris, Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States [S471] | 55y (Given) | primary |
Last Modified: