Bourbon County, Kentucky Probate Records, Will Book F (1816-1821)
- "Bourbon County, Kentucky Probate Records, Will Book F (1816-1821)", Family Search.
- Type: Probate
- Category: Original
- Family Search
Page: 2
N C. Stanaif Sales
An Inventory of the goods and Chattels of Nathan C, Standiford deceased sold by Mary Standiford Administratrix at twelve months [?] on the 24th of October 1816$ cts Articles sold To whom sold One sorrel Horse blend D. W. Pond 15 Six large sow J Layson 7 62 Two hand gear D W Pond 7 12 One plow D W Pond 4 60 One pod tramel and iron D W Pond 1 81 Two pairs of sheep shears J Layson 1 37 1/2 ...
Bourbon County November Court 1816
This account of the sales of the estate of Nathan C Standiford deceased was returned into Court approved of ordered to be recorded
Tho P Smith C.B.C.
[tjf - David W. Pond was a son-in-law of John Layson]
Page: 14
Text: Page: 14-19
Musick Jonathan Sales
Bourbon County
The following is a true list of all the personal Estate of Jonathan Musick Deceased sold at publick austion on the twenty seventh and twenty eighth days of October 1816 by us Margaret Musick and Thomas Musick$ cts Persons Names Property sold ... Michael Letton Bay Horse 39 ~~ Isaac Forsythe Cart 17 12 1/2 Michael Letton Five hogs two choice 25 50 Michael Letton Five hogs three choice 21 62 1/2 Michael Letton Four hogs six choice 5 25 Michael Letton Red steer white flanks 7 62 1/2 Michael Letton Red Heifer 8 ~~ Michael Letton Three Hogs 7 2 Michael Letton auger ~ 76 Michael Letton clock and case 30 12 1/2 Michael Letton Black Heifer 6 37 1/2 ...
We certify that the foregoing list of sales and the above list of property taken by the widdow and the appraisement in the full amount of all the personal Estate of Jonathan Musick Deceased that come into our hands
October 5th 1816
Margaret Musick Executrix
Thomas Musick Executor
Bourbon County January Court 1817
This account of the Sales of the Estate of Jonathan Musick Deceased was returned into Court approved of ordered to be recorded
Thos P Smith C.B.C.
[tjf - Michael Letton was Isaac Forsyth's father-in-law]
Page: 61
Text: Page: 61-62
Sales Estate Mich'l Crewson [sic] Dec'd
June 21 1817, Slaes [sic] of Michael Knusons property deceased$ cts ... Cornelius Claypole one gouge 77 Cornelius Claypoles one smoothings iron 1 00 Cornelius Claypole one pair saddle bags 2 50 Jesse Claypole 1 plough 5 25 ...
Bourbon County September Court 1817
This account of the sales of the Estate of Michael Knuson dec'd was returned into Court approved of ordered to be recorded
Tho: P Smith C.B.C.
Page: 72
Text: Page: 72-74
Adam Woods Dec'd Sales
An account of the Sales of the Estate of Adam Woods Deceased$ cts ... Stephen Owings Five shovel and ?ongs 3 12 1/2 Stephen Owens one desk 20 50 Michael Litton Lot of Sundries 4 37 1/2 Michael Litton on Looking glass 52 Michael Litton one pair saddle bags 2 25 Michael Litton one gallon Bottle 75 Michael Litton one Tea Carrier 30 Michael Letton one plough 9 12 1/2 Benjamin Forsythe Hay in Stable 25 ~~ Isaac Forsythe the Corn 10 ~~ Michael Letton one mare 23 50 ...
Bourbon County October Court 1817
This account of the Sales of the Estate of Adam Woods deceased was returned into Court approved of ordered to be recorded
Tho. P Smith C.B.C.
[tjf - Michael Letton of Isaac Forsyth's Father-in-law. Stephen Owings was John Layson's son-in-law. Benjamin Forsythe came from Virginia and is possibly an uncle of Isaac Forsythe]
Page: 127
Text: Page: 127-131
Yetton Charles Sales
An list of the property sold by the Administration of the estate of Charles Yetton on the 24 and 25 of October 1817$ cts Purchasers Names Articles Purchased ... Robert Layson a g[?]ing hoe 74 David Pond a set of blowing rods 1 75 Stephen Owings one log chain 7 50 John Layson six hogs first choice 30 01 John Layson seven hogs second choice 25 52 David Pond one trunk 55 Isaac Layson on box 50 Michael Letton on large otter 12 01 Isaa Forsythe one trundle bed 37 25 Robert Layson one breakfast table 25 25 ...
Bourbon County May Court 1818
This account of the sales of the estate of Charles Yetton deceased was returned into Court approved of ordered to be recorded
Tho: P Smith C.B.C.
[tjf - Michael Letton of Isaac Forsyth's Father-in-law. Stephen Owings and David Pond were John Layson's sons-in-law. Robert Layson was the brother (or son) of John Layson, Isaac Layson was the son of John Layson]
Page: 132
Text: Page: 132-133
Forsythe Benj Will
I Benjamin Forsythe do ordai and constitute this Instrument of Writing my last will and Testemant hereby revoking all former ones In the first place it is my will and desire that all my just debts be paid as speadily as possible - secondly I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Ann Forsythe in addition to the provisions indue for her by marriage contract une black mare known by the name of Crain one bay mare known by the name of Fiddle and her present sucking calf four cows of her choice my stock of sheep and hogs two feather beds and their furniture complete and my house hold and kitchen furniture exccept beging other than above mentioned the above property to her and her Heirs forever I also gice unto her for and during her life only fifty acres of land part of the tract upon which I reside it being the place where Richard Timberlake originally settled to be laid off in a square to be bounded on two sides by the original lines of the survey and lines at right angles from them to include the quantity [?] further my will and desire and I do bequeath and devise accordingly that all the balance of my estate both real and personal not herein otherwise disposed of together with the fifty acres of land above devised to my wife be qually divided among my following children Susanah Clark wife of James Clark Newton Forsythe Caroline Forsythe and Charlott Forsythe but the said Susanna and James Clark in the division thus to be made is to be curtailed in their share the value of twelve hundred dollars which is the advancement I have already made them and the fifty acres of land above devised to my wife is devised to the four last named devisers subject to the interest I have given her in it and furthermore if my wife shall at my death be pregnant with child the said child if it to be born alive is to be considered an equal deviser in all respects with aforementioned children I do lastly constitute and appoint James Clark of Clark County my son Inlaw and my friend Daniel Duncan of Paris Executors of this my last will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 4th day of May 1818 N B in the place of the black mare crain I give my wife a sorrel mare called the mealy filley and I have parted with the black mare since writing the memorandum from which this draft was taken
Benjamin Forsythe {seal]
Noah Sapp
Elijah Current
Quinten Moore
Bourbon County Court June Term 1818
This last will and Testament of Benjamin Forsythe deceased was produced into court and proved according to law by the oath of Noah Sapp and Elijah Current subscribing witnesses thereto and sworn to by James Clark one of the Executors therein named and ordered to be recorded
Tho: B. Smith C.B.C.
Personal Names
Person | Claim | Detail | Evidence |
Isaac Forsyth | Name | Isaa Forsythe [S1766:127] | primary |
Isaac Forsyth | Name | Isaac Forsythe [S165] [S1763:239] [S1764:98] [S1765:30] [S1766:14] [S1925] | primary |
Jesse Claypool | Name | Jesse Claypole [S519] [S525] [S1233:1797] [S1536] [S1766:61] [S1819:146] | primary |
John Layson | Name | John Layson [S143] [S194] [S255:169] [S1206:307] [S1223:106] [S1225:133] [S1226] [S1230:377] [S1233] [S1234] [S1239:128] [S1242] [S1244] [S1270:529] [S1502] [S1506] [S1766:127] [S2590:JL] | primary |
Events & Attributes
Person | Claim | Date | Detail | Age | Evidence |
John Layson | Flourished | Oct 24, 1816 | Bourbon, Kentucky, United States [S1766:2]
bought 6 large sow and 2 pairs of sheep shears from the estate of Nathan C. Standiford
| primary | |
Isaac Forsyth | Flourished | Oct 28, 1816 | Bourbon, Kentucky, United States [S1766:14]
bought a cart at the estate sale of Jonathan Musick
| primary | |
Jesse Claypool | Flourished | Jun 21, 1817 | Bourbon, Kentucky, United States [S1766:61]
bough a plough from the estate of Michael Knuson
| primary | |
Isaac Forsyth | Flourished | Oct 1817 | Bourbon, Kentucky, United States [S1766:72]
bought the corn at the estate sale of Adam Woods
| primary | |
Isaac Forsyth | Flourished | Oct 25, 1818 | Bourbon, Kentucky, United States [S1766:127]
bought a trundle bed at the estate sale of Charles Yetton
| primary | |
John Layson | Flourished | Oct 25, 1818 | Bourbon, Kentucky, United States [S1766:127]
bought 13 hogs at the estate sale of Charles Yetton
| primary |
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