Pedigree Chart for Nesta of North Wales
NNN (The number of DNA matches supporting this ancestor.)
Nesta (e1075-)
Hugh fitz Osbern (e1087-<1140)
Nesta of North Wales (~1055-)
Gruffydd ap Llywelyn (e997-1063)
Ealdgyth of Mercia (e1033-)
Llywelyn ap Seisyll (e965-1023)
Angharad verch Maredudd (e969-)
Ælfgar, Earl of Mercia (e1018->1062)
Ælfgifu (e1013-)
Seisyll (e933-)
Praust of Gwynedd (e934-)
Marededd ap Owain (e942-999)
Leofric (e994-1057)
Godgifu (~1000-)
Morcar (e977-1015)
Ealdgyth (e978-)
Elisedd ap Anarawd (e888-943)
Owain ap Hywel Dda (e908-988)
Leofwine (e926-1023)
Arngrim (e942-)
Ælfthryth (e942-)