1798 Federal Direct Tax List, Baltimore City, District 5
- "1798 Federal Direct Tax List, Baltimore City, District 5", MDLandRec.net (https://msa.maryland.gov/megafile/msa/speccol/sc2900/sc2908/000001/000729/html/table.html).
- Category: Original
- MDLandRec.net
URL: http://www.mdlandrec.net/
Page: 5606
Text: Volume 729, Page 5606
Line 1:
Name of Occupation Posessor: Alex'r Forsythe
Name of Owner: Alex'r Forsythe
Remarks: 1 story frame 12 by 16 feet
- Number of houses claimed to be exempted from valuation -
Dwelling houses: n/a
Out houses: n/a
Quantity of Land in the Lots: n/a
Number of houses admitted to be subject to valuation -
Dwelling houses: 1
Out houses: n/a
Quantity of Land in the Lots: 1/2 acres
[Valuation]: $256.67
Line 2:
Name of Occupation Posessor: Alex'r Forsythe
Name of Owner: Alex'r Forsythe
Remarks: 2 stories of Brick 25 by 32 feet ground[?] last[?] of Calb[?] Howard
- Number of houses claimed to be exempted from valuation -
Dwelling houses: n/a
Out houses: n/a
Quantity of Land in the Lots: n/a
Number of houses admitted to be subject to valuation -
Dwelling houses: 1
Out houses: n/a
Quantity of Land in the Lots: 6750 sq feet
[Valuation]: $2000
Page: 5927
Text: Volume 729, Page 5927
Tax list for the Collection District
Line 26:
Name of Persons by whom payable: Alexander Forsythe
- Dwelling-houses subject, as such, to the Tax -
Number of inferior houses included in the valuation: n/a
Quantity of Ground included in the Valuation: 1/2 acre
Where situated in Collection District: Precinct 5
How distinguished: Dwelling
Amount of Valuation: $523.34
In what Class rated: 2
Rate per centum Payable on Valuation: 3/10
Amount [of Tax]: $1.54
- Lands subject, as such, to the Tax -
Quantity: n/a
Number of Buildings included in the Valuation: n/a
Where situated in Collection District: n/a
Amount of Valuation: n/a
Rate per centum Payable on Valuation: n/a
Amount of Tax: n/a
- Stables subject to the Tax -
Number: n/a
Tax on each: n/a
Amount of Tax: n/a
Whole Amount of Taxes Paid by Person: n/a
Line 27:
Name of Persons by whom payable: Alexander Forsythe
- Dwelling-houses subject, as such, to the Tax -
Number of inferior houses included in the valuation: n/a
Quantity of Ground included in the Valuation: 6750 square feet
Where situated in Collection District: Precinct 5
How distinguished: Dwelling
Amount of Valuation: $4000
In what Class rated: 4
Rate per centum Payable on Valuation: 5/10
Amount [of Tax]: $20
- Lands subject, as such, to the Tax -
Quantity: n/a
Number of Buildings included in the Valuation: n/a
Where situated in Collection District: n/a
Amount of Valuation: n/a
Rate per centum Payable on Valuation: n/a
Amount of Tax: n/a
- Stables subject to the Tax -
Number: n/a
Tax on each: n/a
Amount of Tax: n/a
Whole Amount of Taxes Paid by Person: $21.54
Page: 6016
Text: Volume 729, Page 6016
Balances Due and Uncollected 25 August 1801
Tax list for the Collection District
Line 14:
Names: Forsythe alexr
Where situated: Precinct 5
Property: n/a
Valuation: $523.34
Rate: 3/10
Tax: $1.54
Total amount of Tax: n/a
Line 15:
Names: Forsythe alexr
Where situated: Precinct 5
Property: n/a
Valuation: $4000
Rate: 5/10
Tax: $20.00
Total amount of Tax: $21.54
Events & Attributes
Person | Claim | Date | Detail | Age | Evidence |
Alexander Forsyth | Tax List | 1798 | Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, United States [S3149:5606] [S3149:5927]
Precinct 5
| primary | |
Alexander Forsyth | Tax List | 1798 | Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, United States [S3149:5606] [S3149:5927]
Precinct 5
| primary |
Last Modified: