TAG: Allyn and Wyatt Families of Brauton, Devon
- Douglas Richardson, M. A., "TAG: Allyn and Wyatt Families of Brauton, Devon" (The American Genealogist, Vol. 57, pp 115-119).
- Category: Abstract
- Author: Douglas Richardson, M. A.
- Publisher: The American Genealogist, Vol. 57, pp 115-119
Source Note
In 1897 Francis Olcott Allen published certain extracts of the parish records of Braunton, Devon, England, pertaining to the immediate family of Matthew Allyn of Hartford, Connecticut and Thomas Allen of Barnstable, Massachusetts (see NEHGR 51:212-214). Allen supposed on the good authority of the then Vicar of Braunton, the Rev. E. R. Gatte, that the entries as published were all the Allen entries in the parish records of Braunton for the period, 1580-1630. Recently, however, I had occasion to examine the parish records of Braunton for myself and several omissions in the published extracts were discovered. In all one marriage and six christening records for the surname Allen were overlooked by Mr. Gatte, and one christening date was incorrectly stated. In addition no allowance was made for the ecclesiastical or Julian calendar (in operation prior to 1752) which treated the months of January, February and most of March as the last portion of the calendar year.
In order to correct that which has already crept into print, I have prepared a new and expanded set of extracts from the Braunton registers. The extracts are expanded in form so that they include both the Allen and Wyatt surnames, Wyatt being the maiden name of the Allen brothers' mother and Matthew Allyn's wife, as well as some other surnames known to be connected. In addition the extracts cover a much wider period and include burial records, the latter ignored by Mr. Gatte. Though I am not an Allen/Allyn descendant myself, both the editor of TAG and I are related in some way to Matthew Allyn of Hartford, Connecticut through our ancestress, Agnes (-----) (Spencer) Edwards of Hartford, Connecticut (see TAG 42:65-76).
Christenings 1538-1663
9 Dec. 1538 Hugh sonne Mr. Phillip Wyott14 Dec. 1539 William sonne Phillip Wyott17 Jan. 1540/1 Nicholas sonne Phillip Wyott27 Feb. 1544/5 Thomas sonne Phillip Wyott1 Apr. 1545 Phillip sonne Walter Wyott25 Sept. 1545 Elizabeth dau. Mr. John Chechester esquire
28 Dec. 1545 Thomas sonne Symon Allen
11 Feb. 1546/7 Rodger sonne Walter Wyott10 Mar. 1547/8 Adam sonne Phillip Wyott27 Jan. 1549/50 Paule son Waltr Wyott25 May 1550 Joan dau. Thomas Allin
3 Aug. 1550 Phillip sonne Phillip Wyatt20 Nov. 1552 Sedwell dau. Phillip Wyott16 Feb. 1553/4 John sonne Phillip Wyott20 Jan. 1554/5 Lewse sonne Nicholas Allin
5 Sept. 1555 Margret dau. Phillip Wyott19 May 1557 Margret dau. Walt Wyatt11 Nov. 1557 John sonne Phillip Wyatt19 Jan. 1557/8 Eme dau. Matthew Allin22 Nov. 1558 Johan dau. Nicholas Allin
25 June 1559 John sonne Hugh Allen
24 Apr. 1560 Phillip sonne Walter Wyatt1 Dec. 1560 Elizabeth dau. Phillip Chechester esquire
28 July 1561 Thomasin dau. Matthew Allen24 Apr. 1562 Gartrude dau. Phillip Chechester esquire
12 July 1562 John sonne Nicholas Allen
22 Sept. 1563 John sonne Rodgr Gifford esquire
21 Dec. 1563 Wilmot dau. Hugh Allen
15 Nar. 1563.4 Richard sibbe Nathew Allen27 Sept. 1564 George sonne Mr. Rodgr Gifford esquire
6 Feb. 1565/6 Richaurd dau. Nicholas Allen
23 Jan. 1567/8 Robart sonne Hugh Allen
10 Nov. 1570 Thomas sonne Robt. Allen
23 Jan. 1573/4 Urith dau. Robt. Allen
9 Jan. 1576/7 Joan dau. Robt. Allin of Upcote
15 June 1578 Mary dau. Mr. Adam Wyatt and Eliza
27 Aug. 1579 Susan dau. Mr. Adam Wyatt
28 Mar. 1561 Jane dau. Robert Allen & Elizabeth ux
1 Oct. 1581 Agnis dau. Phillip Wyatt & Alice ux
4 Oct. 1581 Phillip sonne John Allen & Mary uxr
7 Dec. 1581 George sonne Mr. Adam Wyott & Eliza: ux
18 Jan. 1583/4 James sonne John Allen & Mary ux
6 Aug. 1584 Nicholas sonne Adam Wyott & Eliza: uxr
19 Oct. 1584 Anne dau. Mr. John Wyatt & Mris. ffrauncis ux19 Dec. 1584 Emett dau. Rich. Allen & Margret ux5 Aug. 1586 Phillip sonne Mr. John Wyatt & mis. ffrauncis uxr20 Aug. 1588 John sonne John Allen & Eme
23 Apr. 1589 John sonne Wyatt & Audrey ux
3 June 1589 John sonne John Allen
7 Sept. 1589 Hughe sonne Mr. John Wyott & Mris. ffrauncis uxr8 Aug. 1590 Joan dau. John Allen & Margret ux
1 Nov. 1590 Joan dau. Mr. John Wyatt & Mris. ffrauncis uxr9 Jan. 1590/1 Wilmot dau. Richard Allen & Margret uxr15 Jan. 1590/1 Alice dau. John Wyott & Audry uxr
15 May 1592 Willm. sonne John Allen & Eme ux
30 July 1592 Johan dau. John Allen & Mary ux
18 Feb. 1592/3 Margret dau. John Allen & Margret ux
8 Mar. 1594/5 Margret dau. Mr. John Wyatt & Mris. ffrauncis ux3 June 1596 Agnis dau. Mr. John Wyatt & Mris. ffrauncis uxr24 Dec. 1597 Thomas sonne Richard Allen & Margret9 Mar. 1599/600 John sonne John Allen & Margret ux
6 May 1601 Rich. son Richard Allen & Margt17 Apr. 1605 Mathew son Richard Allen & Margt10 Nov. 1611 Elizth dau. Tho. Allin & Christian
13 Nov. 1614 Eme dau, Rob Allin & Mary
30 Nov. 1617 John son Will. Allen & Eme
6 Jan. 1618/9 Margret dau. Rob. Allin & Mary
5 Sept. 1619 Agnis dau. Will. Allen & Eme
16 Sept. 1621 Mary dau. Will. Allin & Eme
15 Aug. 1624 Richard son Will. Allin & Eme
10 Oct. 1625 Johan dau. Hugh Wyot gentleman & Mris. Mary
3 Apr. 1627 William base son Johan Allin
20 Jan. 1627/8 Marie dau. Matthew Allin & Mris. Margt24 Feb. 1630/1 John son Mathew Allin & Mris. Margt22 June 1636 John son Rich. Allin & Elizth
17 Apr. 1637 Agnes dau. Hugh Wyott gent. & Mris. Marie
11 Aug. 1640 Arthure son Hugh Wyott gent. & Mris. Marie
11 July 1641 Richard son Rich. Allin Jun & Elizon
28 Apr. 1644 Richard dau. Rich. Allen Junr. & Eliz'n
15 Mar. 1645/6 Marg dau. Rich. Allen Junr & Elizth
18 May 1648 Thomas son Rich. Allin & Elizon
21 June 1649 Anne dau. Rich. Allin & Elizth
11 Sept. 1651 James son James Allin & Susan
24 Feb. 1651/2 Elizth dau. Rich. Allin & Elizth
21 Feb. 1652/3 John son Will. Allin & Elizon
6 Nov. 1653 Johnson James Allin & Susan born 17 October
18 May 1654 Mary dau. Rich. Allin & Elizth born 28 April
12 Mar. 1655/6 George son Will. Allin & Elizth born 17 Feb.
7 Oct. 1656 Susanna dau. James Allin & Susan born 19 Sept.
3 Nov. 1656 Mathew son Rich. Allen & Elizth born 2 October
21 June 1659 Joane dau. Will. Allen & Eliz' born 1 June
2 Oct. 1661 Elizth dau. Will. Allyn & Elizth born 18 Sept.
Marriages 1538-1652
27 Jan. 1543/4 John Bursacote & Margret Allen
4 Sept. 1554 Nicholas Allen & Margery Tayler
26 Jan. 1555/6 John Shepheard & Agnis Wyatt
17 Aug. 1556 Walter Wyatt & Joan Pilford24 June 1557 Symon Allen & Alice Sperman
27 Nov. 1557 Hugh Allen & Elizabeth Tooker
2 Oct. 1559 Phillips Chechester esquire & Mris. Elizabeth Burgoine
19 Oct. 1561 William Wyatt & Elizabeth Shepherd
27 Jan. 1562/3 Rodger Gifford esquire & Mris. Audry Yeo
28 Jan. 1562/3 Willm. Greenaway & Wilmot Allen
28 Nov. 1566 Mr. Hugh Wyatt & the Lady Mary Bowzier
29 July 1565 John Wheake & Katherin Allen
21 Jan. 1569/70 Robert Allen & Elizabeth Dirward
15 Jan. 1571/2 Mr. Henry Chechester esquire & Mris, Mary Burgoine
12 July 1573 John Poynes & Margret Wyott
19 June 1574 Mathew ffosse & Joan Wyott
11 Oct. 1574 Richard Sommer & Joan Allin
12 Feb. 1578/9 William Dillon Esquire & Mris. Elizabeth Chechest
25 Oct. 1579 Philip Wyott & Alice Brooke
23 Jan. 1579/80 John Allen & Mary Priddis, vid.
24 Sept. 1583 Richard Allen & Margret Wyott7 Oct. 1588 Philip Dirward & Marget Gifford
23 Oct. 1595 Thomas Knill & Thomasin Allen
12 Oct. 1601 Wm. Richards & Johan Allen
23 Sept. 1611 Edward Langdon & Agnis Allin
23 Apr. 1612 Robert Allen & Mary Williams
19 Nov. 1613 Willm. Morrice & Urith Allin
19 Jan. 1613/4 John Wheake & Wilmote Allin
9 Oct. 1615 Edward Dunkers & Margret Allin
12 Dec. 1616 Adam Horden & Mary Allen
12 Feb. 1616/7 William Allen & Eme Reede
23 Oct. 1620 William Wyotte & Wilmote Perrin
27 Nov. 1620 Lewis Incledon gent. & Mrs. Anne Wyote
30 Jan. 1621/2 Thomas Allin & Elizth Marke
6 May 1622 Peter Downe & Wilmote Allin
30 July 1623 Robert Allin & Ureth Adgeman
2 Nov. 1624 David Peter als Burringe & Elizth Allin
2 Feb. 1626/7 Mathew Allin & Mris. Margret Wyot24 Nov. 1632 Mathewe Croscombe & Wilmote Wyot
30 Nov. 1633 William Tollin & Eme Allin
24 June 1635 Richarde Allin & Elizth Shephearde
3 Oct. 1636 Henrie Eastawaie & Johan Allin
28 Apr. 1646 William Walter & Margrette Allen
4 June 1651 Edwarde Langdon & Ellinor Wyott
29 Apr. 1652 William Alline & Eliz' Sommer
Burials 1538-1662
20 Feb. 1540/1 Richard Allen
19 Apr. 1543 Sibely Wyott
18 May 1544 Joan daughter of John Chechester esquire
19 Nov. 1553 Anne wife Symon Allen
16 Feb. 1553/4 John sonne Phillip Wyott8 June 1556 Sisley wife Walter Wyatt4 Apr. 1557 Thomas Parker Svant to Phillip Wyott17 Apr. 1557 Joan wife John Wyatt Sen
11 Nov. 1557 John sonne Nicholas Allen
30 Oct. 1558 sr Adam Wyatt pron of Heants buried in Barnestable
4 Feb. 1564/5 John Wyatt Senr
7 Feb. 1564/5 Mathew Allen12 Feb. 1564/5 Arcknoll Robarts Svant of Phillip Chechester
2 June 1565 John Somm? Svant of Phillip Chectr
4 Feb. 1572/3 Mris. Audry wife Mr. Rodgr Gifford esq?
13 Nov. 1573 Walter Wyatt14 Feb. 1573/4 Nicholas Allen
10 Mar. 1573/4 Symon Allen
24 Sept. 1580 Hugh Allen Drown'd
21 Jan. 1581/2 Phillip sonne John Allen
20 Apr. 1582 Walter Svant of Mr. Phillip Chechestr esquir
30 Apr. 1583 Mr. Phillip Checester esquire
6 Mar.1583/4 James sonne John Allen
7 May 1686 Mary wife John Allen
21 May 1586 Mris. Elizabeth Chechester - widd.
24 Mar. 1586/7 Joan dau. John Wyott22 July 1588 Mrs. Joan wife of Mr. Phillip Wyatt Sen30 Apr. 1589 John Wyatt
23 Dec. 1592 Phillip Wyott Sen. gent.22 Oct. 1595 John Allen
30 Apr. 1596 John Wyot svant of George Score
29 Nov. 1598 John Wyatt gent.20 June 1599 Anthony Tooker svant to Mris. ffrances Wyatt
9 Dec. 1599 Robart Allen
22 Aug. 1608 Mr. Philipe Wyat
13 July 1611 ffrauncis sonne Ames Chichester esquire23 Feb. 1612/3 Elmot dau. Thomas Allin
9 Aug. 1613 An infant of Robt. Allins
19 Dec. 1615 Margret wife John Allin
3 Nov. 1621 Richard Allin of Keetwill
23 Nov. 1621 Mris. Anne wief Lewes Incledon gent. & her child
19 Apr. 1622 Mary wife Robert Allin
15 Sept. 1622 Elizabeth wife Thomas Allin
5 Apr. 1626 mris. ffrauncis Wyot vid.25 Jan. 1629/30 Roberte Allin
6 July 1630 William Wyot
31 Jan. 1632/3 Elizabeth Allin vidu
28 June 1634 Martha dau. Thos. Allin
10 Sept. 1634 John sonne Thomas Allin
28 Sept. 1634 Bartholamewe Chichester gent.
22 Mar. 1635/6 Urith Allen vidu
18 Feb. 1636/7 mris. Katheren Chichester widdowe
29 Feb. 1639/40 John Allin of Upcote
25 Apr. 1640 Christian wife Thomas Allin
15 Dec. 1640 Elizabeth dau. Thomas Allin
10 May 1642 Margrette wife Richard Allin11 Sept. 1642 John Allin
21 Oct. 1642 Thomas Allin
22 May 1643 Richard sonne Richd Allin Junr
23 June 1647 mris. Mary wife Hugh Wyott gent.
-- Feb. 1647/8 Mary Allin of Upcott
5 Aug. 1651 Richarde Allin sen6 Apr. 1657 Lewis Incledon gent. Dyed 3 April
5 Jan. 1659/60 Hugh Wyott gent. Dyed 3 January
9 Oct. 1661 John Wyott Dyed 7 October
29 May 1662 Richard Allen Dyed 27 May
20 Aug. 1665 Mrs. Johan Wyott
In order to correct that which has already crept into print, I have prepared a new and expanded set of extracts from the Braunton registers. The extracts are expanded in form so that they include both the Allen and Wyatt surnames, Wyatt being the maiden name of the Allen brothers' mother and Matthew Allyn's wife, as well as some other surnames known to be connected. In addition the extracts cover a much wider period and include burial records, the latter ignored by Mr. Gatte. Though I am not an Allen/Allyn descendant myself, both the editor of TAG and I are related in some way to Matthew Allyn of Hartford, Connecticut through our ancestress, Agnes (-----) (Spencer) Edwards of Hartford, Connecticut (see TAG 42:65-76).
Christenings 1538-1663
9 Dec. 1538 Hugh sonne Mr. Phillip Wyott14 Dec. 1539 William sonne Phillip Wyott17 Jan. 1540/1 Nicholas sonne Phillip Wyott27 Feb. 1544/5 Thomas sonne Phillip Wyott1 Apr. 1545 Phillip sonne Walter Wyott25 Sept. 1545 Elizabeth dau. Mr. John Chechester esquire
28 Dec. 1545 Thomas sonne Symon Allen
11 Feb. 1546/7 Rodger sonne Walter Wyott10 Mar. 1547/8 Adam sonne Phillip Wyott27 Jan. 1549/50 Paule son Waltr Wyott25 May 1550 Joan dau. Thomas Allin
3 Aug. 1550 Phillip sonne Phillip Wyatt20 Nov. 1552 Sedwell dau. Phillip Wyott16 Feb. 1553/4 John sonne Phillip Wyott20 Jan. 1554/5 Lewse sonne Nicholas Allin
5 Sept. 1555 Margret dau. Phillip Wyott19 May 1557 Margret dau. Walt Wyatt11 Nov. 1557 John sonne Phillip Wyatt19 Jan. 1557/8 Eme dau. Matthew Allin22 Nov. 1558 Johan dau. Nicholas Allin
25 June 1559 John sonne Hugh Allen
24 Apr. 1560 Phillip sonne Walter Wyatt1 Dec. 1560 Elizabeth dau. Phillip Chechester esquire
28 July 1561 Thomasin dau. Matthew Allen24 Apr. 1562 Gartrude dau. Phillip Chechester esquire
12 July 1562 John sonne Nicholas Allen
22 Sept. 1563 John sonne Rodgr Gifford esquire
21 Dec. 1563 Wilmot dau. Hugh Allen
15 Nar. 1563.4 Richard sibbe Nathew Allen27 Sept. 1564 George sonne Mr. Rodgr Gifford esquire
6 Feb. 1565/6 Richaurd dau. Nicholas Allen
23 Jan. 1567/8 Robart sonne Hugh Allen
10 Nov. 1570 Thomas sonne Robt. Allen
23 Jan. 1573/4 Urith dau. Robt. Allen
9 Jan. 1576/7 Joan dau. Robt. Allin of Upcote
15 June 1578 Mary dau. Mr. Adam Wyatt and Eliza
27 Aug. 1579 Susan dau. Mr. Adam Wyatt
28 Mar. 1561 Jane dau. Robert Allen & Elizabeth ux
1 Oct. 1581 Agnis dau. Phillip Wyatt & Alice ux
4 Oct. 1581 Phillip sonne John Allen & Mary uxr
7 Dec. 1581 George sonne Mr. Adam Wyott & Eliza: ux
18 Jan. 1583/4 James sonne John Allen & Mary ux
6 Aug. 1584 Nicholas sonne Adam Wyott & Eliza: uxr
19 Oct. 1584 Anne dau. Mr. John Wyatt & Mris. ffrauncis ux19 Dec. 1584 Emett dau. Rich. Allen & Margret ux5 Aug. 1586 Phillip sonne Mr. John Wyatt & mis. ffrauncis uxr20 Aug. 1588 John sonne John Allen & Eme
23 Apr. 1589 John sonne Wyatt & Audrey ux
3 June 1589 John sonne John Allen
7 Sept. 1589 Hughe sonne Mr. John Wyott & Mris. ffrauncis uxr8 Aug. 1590 Joan dau. John Allen & Margret ux
1 Nov. 1590 Joan dau. Mr. John Wyatt & Mris. ffrauncis uxr9 Jan. 1590/1 Wilmot dau. Richard Allen & Margret uxr15 Jan. 1590/1 Alice dau. John Wyott & Audry uxr
15 May 1592 Willm. sonne John Allen & Eme ux
30 July 1592 Johan dau. John Allen & Mary ux
18 Feb. 1592/3 Margret dau. John Allen & Margret ux
8 Mar. 1594/5 Margret dau. Mr. John Wyatt & Mris. ffrauncis ux3 June 1596 Agnis dau. Mr. John Wyatt & Mris. ffrauncis uxr24 Dec. 1597 Thomas sonne Richard Allen & Margret9 Mar. 1599/600 John sonne John Allen & Margret ux
6 May 1601 Rich. son Richard Allen & Margt17 Apr. 1605 Mathew son Richard Allen & Margt10 Nov. 1611 Elizth dau. Tho. Allin & Christian
13 Nov. 1614 Eme dau, Rob Allin & Mary
30 Nov. 1617 John son Will. Allen & Eme
6 Jan. 1618/9 Margret dau. Rob. Allin & Mary
5 Sept. 1619 Agnis dau. Will. Allen & Eme
16 Sept. 1621 Mary dau. Will. Allin & Eme
15 Aug. 1624 Richard son Will. Allin & Eme
10 Oct. 1625 Johan dau. Hugh Wyot gentleman & Mris. Mary
3 Apr. 1627 William base son Johan Allin
20 Jan. 1627/8 Marie dau. Matthew Allin & Mris. Margt24 Feb. 1630/1 John son Mathew Allin & Mris. Margt22 June 1636 John son Rich. Allin & Elizth
17 Apr. 1637 Agnes dau. Hugh Wyott gent. & Mris. Marie
11 Aug. 1640 Arthure son Hugh Wyott gent. & Mris. Marie
11 July 1641 Richard son Rich. Allin Jun & Elizon
28 Apr. 1644 Richard dau. Rich. Allen Junr. & Eliz'n
15 Mar. 1645/6 Marg dau. Rich. Allen Junr & Elizth
18 May 1648 Thomas son Rich. Allin & Elizon
21 June 1649 Anne dau. Rich. Allin & Elizth
11 Sept. 1651 James son James Allin & Susan
24 Feb. 1651/2 Elizth dau. Rich. Allin & Elizth
21 Feb. 1652/3 John son Will. Allin & Elizon
6 Nov. 1653 Johnson James Allin & Susan born 17 October
18 May 1654 Mary dau. Rich. Allin & Elizth born 28 April
12 Mar. 1655/6 George son Will. Allin & Elizth born 17 Feb.
7 Oct. 1656 Susanna dau. James Allin & Susan born 19 Sept.
3 Nov. 1656 Mathew son Rich. Allen & Elizth born 2 October
21 June 1659 Joane dau. Will. Allen & Eliz' born 1 June
2 Oct. 1661 Elizth dau. Will. Allyn & Elizth born 18 Sept.
Marriages 1538-1652
27 Jan. 1543/4 John Bursacote & Margret Allen
4 Sept. 1554 Nicholas Allen & Margery Tayler
26 Jan. 1555/6 John Shepheard & Agnis Wyatt
17 Aug. 1556 Walter Wyatt & Joan Pilford24 June 1557 Symon Allen & Alice Sperman
27 Nov. 1557 Hugh Allen & Elizabeth Tooker
2 Oct. 1559 Phillips Chechester esquire & Mris. Elizabeth Burgoine
19 Oct. 1561 William Wyatt & Elizabeth Shepherd
27 Jan. 1562/3 Rodger Gifford esquire & Mris. Audry Yeo
28 Jan. 1562/3 Willm. Greenaway & Wilmot Allen
28 Nov. 1566 Mr. Hugh Wyatt & the Lady Mary Bowzier
29 July 1565 John Wheake & Katherin Allen
21 Jan. 1569/70 Robert Allen & Elizabeth Dirward
15 Jan. 1571/2 Mr. Henry Chechester esquire & Mris, Mary Burgoine
12 July 1573 John Poynes & Margret Wyott
19 June 1574 Mathew ffosse & Joan Wyott
11 Oct. 1574 Richard Sommer & Joan Allin
12 Feb. 1578/9 William Dillon Esquire & Mris. Elizabeth Chechest
25 Oct. 1579 Philip Wyott & Alice Brooke
23 Jan. 1579/80 John Allen & Mary Priddis, vid.
24 Sept. 1583 Richard Allen & Margret Wyott7 Oct. 1588 Philip Dirward & Marget Gifford
23 Oct. 1595 Thomas Knill & Thomasin Allen
12 Oct. 1601 Wm. Richards & Johan Allen
23 Sept. 1611 Edward Langdon & Agnis Allin
23 Apr. 1612 Robert Allen & Mary Williams
19 Nov. 1613 Willm. Morrice & Urith Allin
19 Jan. 1613/4 John Wheake & Wilmote Allin
9 Oct. 1615 Edward Dunkers & Margret Allin
12 Dec. 1616 Adam Horden & Mary Allen
12 Feb. 1616/7 William Allen & Eme Reede
23 Oct. 1620 William Wyotte & Wilmote Perrin
27 Nov. 1620 Lewis Incledon gent. & Mrs. Anne Wyote
30 Jan. 1621/2 Thomas Allin & Elizth Marke
6 May 1622 Peter Downe & Wilmote Allin
30 July 1623 Robert Allin & Ureth Adgeman
2 Nov. 1624 David Peter als Burringe & Elizth Allin
2 Feb. 1626/7 Mathew Allin & Mris. Margret Wyot24 Nov. 1632 Mathewe Croscombe & Wilmote Wyot
30 Nov. 1633 William Tollin & Eme Allin
24 June 1635 Richarde Allin & Elizth Shephearde
3 Oct. 1636 Henrie Eastawaie & Johan Allin
28 Apr. 1646 William Walter & Margrette Allen
4 June 1651 Edwarde Langdon & Ellinor Wyott
29 Apr. 1652 William Alline & Eliz' Sommer
Burials 1538-1662
20 Feb. 1540/1 Richard Allen
19 Apr. 1543 Sibely Wyott
18 May 1544 Joan daughter of John Chechester esquire
19 Nov. 1553 Anne wife Symon Allen
16 Feb. 1553/4 John sonne Phillip Wyott8 June 1556 Sisley wife Walter Wyatt4 Apr. 1557 Thomas Parker Svant to Phillip Wyott17 Apr. 1557 Joan wife John Wyatt Sen
11 Nov. 1557 John sonne Nicholas Allen
30 Oct. 1558 sr Adam Wyatt pron of Heants buried in Barnestable
4 Feb. 1564/5 John Wyatt Senr
7 Feb. 1564/5 Mathew Allen12 Feb. 1564/5 Arcknoll Robarts Svant of Phillip Chechester
2 June 1565 John Somm? Svant of Phillip Chectr
4 Feb. 1572/3 Mris. Audry wife Mr. Rodgr Gifford esq?
13 Nov. 1573 Walter Wyatt14 Feb. 1573/4 Nicholas Allen
10 Mar. 1573/4 Symon Allen
24 Sept. 1580 Hugh Allen Drown'd
21 Jan. 1581/2 Phillip sonne John Allen
20 Apr. 1582 Walter Svant of Mr. Phillip Chechestr esquir
30 Apr. 1583 Mr. Phillip Checester esquire
6 Mar.1583/4 James sonne John Allen
7 May 1686 Mary wife John Allen
21 May 1586 Mris. Elizabeth Chechester - widd.
24 Mar. 1586/7 Joan dau. John Wyott22 July 1588 Mrs. Joan wife of Mr. Phillip Wyatt Sen30 Apr. 1589 John Wyatt
23 Dec. 1592 Phillip Wyott Sen. gent.22 Oct. 1595 John Allen
30 Apr. 1596 John Wyot svant of George Score
29 Nov. 1598 John Wyatt gent.20 June 1599 Anthony Tooker svant to Mris. ffrances Wyatt
9 Dec. 1599 Robart Allen
22 Aug. 1608 Mr. Philipe Wyat
13 July 1611 ffrauncis sonne Ames Chichester esquire23 Feb. 1612/3 Elmot dau. Thomas Allin
9 Aug. 1613 An infant of Robt. Allins
19 Dec. 1615 Margret wife John Allin
3 Nov. 1621 Richard Allin of Keetwill
23 Nov. 1621 Mris. Anne wief Lewes Incledon gent. & her child
19 Apr. 1622 Mary wife Robert Allin
15 Sept. 1622 Elizabeth wife Thomas Allin
5 Apr. 1626 mris. ffrauncis Wyot vid.25 Jan. 1629/30 Roberte Allin
6 July 1630 William Wyot
31 Jan. 1632/3 Elizabeth Allin vidu
28 June 1634 Martha dau. Thos. Allin
10 Sept. 1634 John sonne Thomas Allin
28 Sept. 1634 Bartholamewe Chichester gent.
22 Mar. 1635/6 Urith Allen vidu
18 Feb. 1636/7 mris. Katheren Chichester widdowe
29 Feb. 1639/40 John Allin of Upcote
25 Apr. 1640 Christian wife Thomas Allin
15 Dec. 1640 Elizabeth dau. Thomas Allin
10 May 1642 Margrette wife Richard Allin11 Sept. 1642 John Allin
21 Oct. 1642 Thomas Allin
22 May 1643 Richard sonne Richd Allin Junr
23 June 1647 mris. Mary wife Hugh Wyott gent.
-- Feb. 1647/8 Mary Allin of Upcott
5 Aug. 1651 Richarde Allin sen6 Apr. 1657 Lewis Incledon gent. Dyed 3 April
5 Jan. 1659/60 Hugh Wyott gent. Dyed 3 January
9 Oct. 1661 John Wyott Dyed 7 October
29 May 1662 Richard Allen Dyed 27 May
20 Aug. 1665 Mrs. Johan Wyott
Personal Names
Person | Claim | Detail | Evidence |
Amyas Chichester of Arlington | Name | Ames Chichester [S2941] | secondary |
Frances Chichester | Name | Frauncis [S2941] | secondary |
Joan Paty | Name | Joan _____ [S2941] | secondary |
Joan Pilford | Name | Joan Pilford [S2941] | secondary |
John Wyatt | Name | John Wyatt [S756] [S2941] | secondary |
John Wyatt | Name | John Wyott [S2941] | secondary |
Margaret Wyatt | Name | Margaret Wyatt [S366] [S756] [S2941] | secondary |
Margaret Wyatt | Name | Margret Wyatt [S2941] | secondary |
Margaret Wyatt | Name | Margret Wyot [S662] [S2941] | secondary |
Margaret Wyatt | Name | Margret Wyott [S2941] | secondary |
Margaret Wyatt | Name | Margrette _____ [S2941] | secondary |
Mary Allyn | Name | Marie Allin [S2941] | secondary |
Mathew Allyn | Name | Mathew Allen [S2941] | secondary |
Mathew Allyn | Name | Matthew Allen [S2941] | secondary |
Mathew Allyn | Name | Matthew Allin [S2941] | secondary |
Philip Wyatt | Name | Philip Wyatt [S756] [S2941] | secondary |
Philip Wyatt | Name | Phillip Wyott [S2941] | secondary |
Richard Allyn | Name | Richard Allen [S662] [S2941] | secondary |
Richard Allyn | Name | Richard Allin [S2941] | secondary |
Walter Wyatt | Name | Walter Wyatt [S2941] | secondary |
Walter Wyatt | Name | Walter Wyott [S2941] | secondary |
Person | Claim | Detail | Evidence |
Mr. Mathew Allyn | Father | Richard Allyn (e1564-~1651) [S662] [S756] [S2941] | secondary |
Mr. Mathew Allyn | Mother | Margaret Wyatt (e1557-~1642) [S662] [S756] [S2941] | secondary |
Margaret Wyatt | Father | John Wyatt (e1557-~1598) [S756] [S1496:317] [S2941] | secondary |
Margaret Wyatt | Mother | Frances Chichester (e1555-~1626) [S756] [S1496:317] [S2941] | secondary |
Margaret Wyatt | Father | Walter Wyatt (e1529-~1573) [S2941] | secondary |
John Wyatt | Father | Philip Wyatt (e1527-~1592) [S756] [S1496:317] [S2941] | secondary |
Events & Attributes
Person | Claim | Date | Detail | Age | Evidence |
Philip Wyatt | Residence | Dec 9, 1538 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941]
his son Hugh was baptized
| secondary | |
Walter Wyatt | Residence | Apr 1, 1545 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941]
son Phillip from first wife was baptized
| secondary | |
Walter Wyatt | Marriage 2nd | Aug 17, 1556 | Joan Pilford, Braunton, Devon, England [S2941] | secondary | |
Margaret Wyatt | Baptism | May 19, 1557 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941] | secondary | |
John Wyatt | Baptism | Nov 11, 1557 | Braunton, Devon, England [S756] [S2941] | secondary | |
Philip Wyatt | Residence | Nov 11, 1557 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941]
his son John was baptized
| secondary | |
Walter Wyatt | Residence | Apr 24, 1560 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941]
son Phillip from second wife was baptized
| secondary | |
Richard Allyn | Baptism | Mar 15, 1563/64 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941] | secondary | |
Mathew Allyn | Burial | Feb 7, 1564/65 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941] | secondary | |
Walter Wyatt | Burial | Nov 13, 1573 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941] | secondary | |
Richard Allyn | Marriage | Sep 24, 1583 | Margaret Wyatt, Braunton, Devon, England [S2941] | secondary | |
John Wyatt | Residence | Oct 9, 1584 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941]
daughter Anne was baptized
| secondary | |
Frances Chichester | Residence | Oct 9, 1584 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941]
daughter Anne was baptized
| secondary | |
Joan Paty | Burial | Jul 22, 1588 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941] | secondary | |
Richard Allyn | Residence | Jan 9, 1590/91 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941]
daughter Wilmot was baptized
| secondary | |
Margaret Wyatt | Residence | Jan 9, 1590/91 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941]
daughter Wilmot was baptized
| secondary | |
Philip Wyatt | Burial | Dec 23, 1592 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941] | secondary | |
Margaret Wyatt | Baptism | Mar 8, 1594/95 | Braunton, Devon, England [S756] [S2941] | secondary | |
John Wyatt | Residence | Jun 3, 1596 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941]
daughter Agnes was baptized
| secondary | |
Frances Chichester | Residence | Jun 3, 1596 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941]
daughter Agnes was baptized
| secondary | |
John Wyatt | Burial | Nov 29, 1598 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941] | secondary | |
Mr. Mathew Allyn | Baptism | Apr 17, 1605 | Braunton, Devon, England [S662] [S756] [S2941] | secondary | |
Frances Chichester | Burial | Apr 5, 1626 | Braunton, Devon, England [S756] [S2941] | secondary | |
Mr. Mathew Allyn | Marriage | Feb 2, 1626/27 | Margaret Wyatt, Braunton, Devon, England [S366] [S662] [S756] [S2941] | secondary | |
Mary Allyn | Baptism | Jan 20, 1627/28 | Braunton, Devon, England [S662] [S2941] | secondary | |
Mr. Mathew Allyn | Residence | Feb 24, 1630/31 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941]
son John was baptized
| secondary | |
Margaret Wyatt | Burial | May 10, 1642 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941] | secondary | |
Richard Allyn | Burial | Aug 5, 1651 | Braunton, Devon, England [S2941] | secondary | |
Walter Wyatt | Marriage 1st | [S2941]
Sisley d. 8 June 1556
| secondary |
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