The Sign of the Horse Tavern, Hanover, Pennsylvania

Alexander Forsyth leased "The Sign of the Horse" Tavern from Casper Reineker from 1779 to 1785. Casper Reiecker returned to the tavern in 1787. The first reference of Alexander Forsyth in Baltimore is in 1787, so it is unclear who was running the tavern in 1786. After Caper Reinecker's death in 1790, his son Conrad Reinecker ran the tavern for 2 years. The tavern was closed in 1793 so it is unclear who was running the tavern in the final two years.

On October 26, 1783, Thomas Jefferson stayed overnight at this tavern and in the morning paid Alexander Forsyth 29 shillings for food and lodging.

[S1197] "York County Clerk of Courts Quarter Session Dockets (1749-1877) Part 1" (